3v3 Jamboree Rules

Substitution Rules

Players / Coaches can sub players on the fly. There will be no stoppage of play, use your own discretion to sub when / as needed.

Rules of the Game

1. Standard soccer rules for fouls, goal kicks, and corners. Kick-ins if the ball goes out over a sideline. NO GOALIES.

2. No scoring directly from a kick - in / goal kick. You may score directly from the halfway line after a goal is conceded.

3. There are small no-entry zones in front of each net. No one is allowed to enter these areas from either team.

4. All fouls are direct kicks. Teams defending fouls must stay 5 yards away from the free kicks.

5. If an attacking player enters the no entry zone in front of goal a free kick will be awarded to the defending team - if a goal was scored it will be disallowed. If a defender enters the no entry zone and prevents a goal or a goal scoring opportunity, a PK will be awarded to the attacking team.