Intramural Rules

Rules for Intramural Soccer


  1. EXPLAIN YOUR CALLS to the players - remember these players are trying to learn the game of soccer, and you are there to help them.


  2. INJURIES: Blow your whistle loudly to stop play when there is an injured player. Ask the coach to help his player. 


  3. SUBSTITUTIONS may be made, after the coach asks you, when:

    • A goal is scored
    • Before a goal kick
    • Before a team's own throw-in
    • On opponent’s throw-in, if the opponent substitutes
    • For an injured player


  4. ILLEGAL THROW-INS - explain the infraction and/or demonstrate the correct way. Give the other team the throw-in. 


  5. NO DIRECT KICKS; NO PENALTY KICKS. All free kicks will be indirect. A goal cannot be scored until another player (not necessarily from the same team) has touched the ball.


  6. GOAL KICKS shall be take from within six yards of the goal line. (See BAYS revised rule)


  7. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT GOAL KICKS: On goal kicks, or on goalkeeper saves followed by a throw-out, punt, or drop kick, the ball must touch the ground or be touched by any player in the defensive half of the field. Infringement of this rule will result in a turnover of the ball to the other team. Play shall restart with an indirect kick at the midfield line nearest the point of contact.


  8. PENALTY KICKS will be taken from a point eight yards directly in front of the mid-point of the goal. All other players must stand beyond the midfield line.


  9. NO EXTRA TIME. Do not stop the clock for anything. Halves are 25 minutes each with a 5 minute halftime. If the game starts late you must inform both coaches that the halves must be shortened.


  10. NO CASTS. Players with cast or splints, even if padded, cannot play, even with coach's, parent's or doctor's permission. NO EXCEPTIONS.


  11. NO JEWELRY allowed. NO EARRINGS. Medical identification bracelet is acceptable but must be taped down.


  12. NO OFFSIDES. There is no offsides in 6 v 6.


  13. FIELD DIMENSIONS: The ideal field size for 6-vs-6 is forty yards wide by sixty yards long. This will not be a rigid requirement, as some organizations will, because of limited space, have to play their games across the width of regulation fields. An acceptable range for field size is thirty to forty-five yards wide and fifty to seventy yards long. The penalty area should be 12 yards deep, and extend 12 yards to the outside from each goalpost. A separate goal area may, but need not be marked. Clearly visible dots or dotted lines may be used to mark the penalty areas to avoid excessive lining and confusion on regulation fields. Downsized goals will be used which should be approximately twelve feet wide by six feet high (for U-10), or the next adjustable size larger (for older teams). They must be anchored securely to the ground.


  14. All other BAYS 6v6 rules apply.