Article I Name of Organization:
This organization, a non-profit organization shall be known as “Norwood Youth Soccer” or its initials “NYS”. This name shall appear on all stationary, bank accounts, publicity forms, etc.
Article II Purpose/Philosophy of the Organization:
- The organization is established to provide youth, interested in the play of soccer, the opportunity for participation in the game, regardless of sex, race, creed or color.
- The philosophy of the organization is to emphasize the enjoyment, sportsmanship, team play and development of skills associated with the game of soccer, as well as equal participation in games and practices, by all players.
Article III Fiscal Year:
The fiscal year of the organization shall be from January 1 through December 31.
Article IV Structure of the Organization:
The Organization shall consist of the Players, General Membership (Parents/Guardians of players plus Coaches and Referees), and the Board of Directors.
The Players: Any youth between the ages of 4 to 19 years of age shall be eligible for participation in the Club, provided they have completed and signed (by the Parent or Legal Guardian, if under age 18), a Norwood Youth Soccer Registration form.
The General Membership: All Parents and/or Guardians shall automatically be considered members of the organization with the registration of a child in the program.
Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, any person interested in Coaching and/or Refereeing, and who meet certain qualifications, to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Organization, will be eligible for these positions. When possible, selection for these positions will come from among the General membership and older players.
The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as the Board) shall act as the sole governing body of Norwood Youth Soccer. The Board shall consist of a minimum, five Executive Officers (the Executive Board): President, Executive Vice President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar. Additional positions shall be appointed by the Board consistent with the needs of the program with the exception of President and Vice President which shall be elected from the current Board members who have a minimum of 1 year experience on the board.
Each member of the Board will serve at the pleasure of the majority of the Board members.
The duties and the responsibilities of the Executive Board shall be as follows:
President: Responsible for implementing all policies enacted by the Board. At the direction of the Board, the president coordinates the activities of the various committees and supervises the overall management of Norwood Youth Soccer. If the office is vacated for any reason the Board shall elect a successor to the post of President as stated earlier in Article IV Structure and Organization.
Additional duties include, but are not limited to the following:
- Presides at all general meetings and Board meetings
- Acts as an official representative of Norwood Youth Soccer
- Be authorized to sign checks
Executive Vice President: Shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties. Succeed to the office and powers of the President in his/her absence. If the office is vacated for any reason the Board shall elect a successor to the post of Executive Vice President as stated earlier in Article IV. Perform other duties as assigned by the Board.
Executive Secretary: Shall keep an accurate written record of all official meetings of the organization. Make all records available to any member or director of the organization as required. Shall be responsible for all official correspondence of the organization, as directed by the Board, and to maintain, on file, a copy of this correspondence. Perform other duties as assigned by the Board.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have charge of funds of N.Y.S. and shall keep all appropriate financial records and shall provide periodic summaries of the financial standings of N.Y.S. as required by the President and Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall sign all contracts between N.Y.S. and second parties, upon prior approval of the Board.
Disbursements should only be made with the approval of the Board. The Treasurer shall sign all checks drawn on all N.Y.S. accounts and insure that all disbursements requiring more than one signature are properly executed. Although the Board may set lower limits, all checks drawn in the name of N.Y.S. for more than $5000.00 are to be signed by the President and the Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall see that all funds collected in the name of N.Y.S. be deposited in properly appointed depositories and that no expenditures of any kind be made without his/her approval or knowledge, and the approval of the Board.
Registrar: The Registrar shall insure that all registration procedures required by the Board are adhered to. The Registrar shall maintain player and team registration records and rule on the eligibility of the players and teams. The Registrar shall keep any data pertaining to the teams, coaches, managers, players, etc. pertinent to performance of their duties and N.Y.S. interest.
Article V Quorum:
A simple majority (50% plus one) will constitute a quorum for board meeting. Board members will notify the President if they plan to be absent from the board meeting.
Article VI Amendments:
These By-laws may be amended, altered or appealed at any scheduled board meeting, provided the changes are presented to the board 15 days prior to a scheduled meeting and receives a two-thirds majority vote of the entire board at the next 2 meetings.