Zero Tolerance

BAYS Zero Tolerance Policy


All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referee. Failure to do so will undermine the referee’s authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators.


Consequently, BAYS has adopted and modified the following rules:


  1. No one, except the players, is to speak to the referee during or after the game. Exceptions: Coaches may ask questions before the game, call for substitutions and point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referee if addressed.
  2. Absolutely no disputing calls, during or after the game, no remarks to the referee to watch certain players or attend to rough play. NO YELLING at the referee, EVER, and no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation, or feedback of any kind during or after the game.
  3. Violators may be ejected and are subject to disciplinary action by the BAYS Sportsmanship Review Committee.
  4. If coaches or spectators have questions regarding particular calls, rules, or a referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, please contact the town soccer club referee’s coordinator for the game in question, or contact the BAYS Referees Representative at