Volunteer Opportunities

Norwood Youth Soccer is always looking for volunteers to help run our program!


We are looking to fill the following board positions:



We also need assistance in the following areas:


Snack Shack:


NYS is looking for volunteers for the snack shack. Generally, shifts will be:


  • 5:45-7:00 and 7:00-8:15 on Friday nights
  • 8:30-10:30 and 10:00-12:15 on Saturday mornings


Cleat Swap:


NYS is also looking for a couple of people to oversee the cleat swap during Meet the Coach, during the Monday and Wednesday practices the first week, and also during the first weekend of games. 


Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in any of the above opportunities.


We are strictly a volunteer-run program so any help is welcome!